Bring your data to the era of AI

Lynk is the Semantic Layer for Business and Data Teams.
Build a trusted central source of truth and power AI-driven applications

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A business friendly semantic engine

Semantic layer

Data teams use it to create a central source of truth, and ensure their data is clear and consistent across tools

Automate data workflows with consistency, clarity and trust to create a central source of truth. Enable AI and business users succeed with data

Why Data Engineers Love Lynk

Data Engineers

Integrate with the 
modern data stack

Keep the data pipeline clean and tidy

Reduce tedious manual work

Integrates with

Why Data Analysts Love Lynk

Data Analysts

More freedom, 
more power - to view 
and create trusted data

Do what you are meant to do - deliver business value

AI superpowers

Integrates with

Why Business Users Love Lynk

Business Users

Get insights quickly

Trust the data you see

Data can be fun with AI

Integrates with

Bring your data to the era of AI

Automate data workflows with consistency, clarity and trust, to enable AI and business users succeed with data

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